Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy new year!

Toward the end of the year I always like to make a list of things I accomplished, big or small, during the year. In 2010 the accomplishment I am most proud of is learning to wear contact lenses! It is so freeing not being confined by frames (though I do miss the way the frames semi-hid the wrinkles around my eyes, oh well...) but I am surprised at how vulnerable it feels as well. Slowly but surely I am getting used to it. What has been your proudest accomplishment of 2010?

Tomorrow I head up to Big Bear with the family for a little ski vacation. I'm hoping all this L.A. rain will translate into powdery fresh mountain snow.

Meanwhile, here's a post I wrote for the book blog to which I contribute. I love being part of this group of women authors. Every month we're given a theme to write about and this time it was "Your Writing Journey." When you read about everybody's highs and lows it somehow normalizes this crazy profession.

Happy 2011 to everyone.

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